Chancellor Gene Block talks higher education with Assemblymember Miguel Santiago during his trip to Sacramento.

The Office of Government and Community Relations coordinates with the UCLA community, the University of California, and national, state and local governmental entities to generate support for the University and UCLA’s interests. G&CR builds relationships with constituent groups, assists community leaders in gaining access to UCLA’s resources, and coordinates the University response to a wide range of political and policy issues. It also advises administrators and faculty on strategies to facilitate constructive dialogue with public-sector leaders.



Resources for policymakers 


Campus and community resources


Community partnerships

UCLA Government and Community Relations is excited to share with you a new website highlighting UCLA Community Partnerships.  With the valued help of campus partners, an extensive listing of UCLA initiatives that offer free services in the Southland has been assembled. You are invited to explore UCLA’s community footprint in the region, which includes over 250 programs and over 1,000 community partners throughout greater Los Angeles.  

The website features dynamic map views, keyword search and access to more than 1,000 community partner collaborations. Take a few minutes to learn more about the UCLA Community Partnership website by visiting You are also invited to share and contribute to this valuable campus resource that helps showcase UCLA’s connection with the community.