Looking Forward

On Thursday, January 8, 2015 Chancellor Gene Block hosted the Los Angeles Area Public Higher Education Dinner at the Chancellor’s Residence with guest of honor State Senate President pro Tempore Kevin de León. As head of the state Senate, Senator de León has a critical role in the California budget process. Senator de León is the author of Senate Bill 15, which proposes a budget strategy for the University of California and the California State University Systems that provides additional funding, incentives for graduation and support for enrollment growth. Also, attending the dinner were CSU Los Angeles President William Covino, CSU Northridge President Dianne Harrison, CSU Dominquez Hills President Willie Hagan and Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) Chancellor Francisco Rodriguez. Each President/Chancellor was accompanied by the head of their Government Relations unit.

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All About Al: Bruin Caucus Advocate of the Year

Al smiling

Albert (Al) Aubin, Ed.D. is nationally regarded as the consummate student affairs professional. He is a talented counselor of students and devoted mentor to counseling staff at the UCLA Career Center. Beyond his primary role in which he has delivered superior career development services to students and alumni, Al has consistently contributed to numerous campus-wide initiatives. He has been “of service” to the UCLA campus and community for more than 40 years. These diverse and challenging activities have not precluded Al’s pursuing elected, demanding service as a member of the University Credit Union’s Board of Directors, where he contributes strong organizational leadership and successful recommendations for diversifying member representation. He has participated in Bruin Caucus and is a current member of the Bruin Caucus Council.
We sat down our Advocate of the Year recently and asked him two key questions about his time at UCLA:

What stands out to you about the campus?

AA: I have always been impressed with the achievement of the University in such a short period of time. UCLA is not yet 100 years old and yet the list of accomplishments match up or exceed much older universities.

The diversity at UCLA stands out to me, but in terms of diversity “within” diversity. Almost like a mosaic. There are moments of awe in my interactions with students whether current or former. Their energy and passion keep me engaged.

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